Google has constantly been adding new features to its Chrome browser. The latest feature in Chrome for Android now allows you to preview links without tapping them. This lets you take a quick peek at what's behind your links.

Up until now, you had to tap a link and let it open in a new tab to view the content behind that link. This is going to change with Google's latest update to the Chrome browser.

As first spotted by 9to5Google, Chrome version 89 for Android now lets you preview the webpage behind a link without you having to open that link. This lets you quickly see what's behind that link without actually having to open a new tab for it.

While this is not a major feature, it can be helpful to those users who often tap various links on various websites.

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You'll no longer have to open a new tab for each link, as you'll be able to read the full webpage behind your link from within your current tab.

You can access the link preview feature from Chrome's context menu. Here's how you do this:

  1. Open a webpage where you have a link in Chrome on your Android device.
  2. Instead of tapping the link, tap and hold on the link.
  3. From the context menu that appears, choose Preview page.
  4. A pane will open from the bottom covering about 75 percent of your screen. This pane shows the webpage behind your tapped link.
  5. You can close this pane by tapping X in the top-right of the pane.
  6. If you want to open the link for this webpage, tap the link icon near the X.

Don't try and resize the pane as it'll close the link preview.

In case Chrome doesn't show the Preview page option on your device, you're likely using an older version of the browser. You can fix this by simply updating the browser to the latest version.

To do this:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
  2. Search for Google Chrome and tap it.
  3. Tap Update to update the browser.

You must be on version 89 or later to be able to use the preview option.

If you're curious about what's behind a link but you don't want to open the link, you can use this newly introduced preview option to view full webpages without opening a separate tab for them. This feature works for just about any link you come across in this browser.