Starting a YouTube channel is exciting, but some people also find the process daunting. And in your early days as a YouTuber, you might even find the experience disheartening.

People new to YouTube and video creation often suffer multiple trials and tribulations before achieving a degree of success. Issues are sometimes technical, but you might also have to contend with a few mindset-related problems. However, the good news is that you can overcome all of these as long as you’re willing to take the rough with the smooth.

If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel, or you’re new to the scene, understanding the initial problems you’ll encounter will help you prepare for them.

What Problems Do New YouTubers Run Into?

Beginner YouTubers have to overcome a steep learning curve before their channels gain traction. Below are five challenges that you’ll almost inevitably run into.

1. Bad Audio

Listening to music on a PC

When you first begin publishing video content, you’ll probably spend most of your energy focusing on improving your visuals. However, while you should get the basics of your footage right, your audio is arguably even more important.

Many audiences can forgive non-cinematic footage, but keeping viewers engaged is difficult if your audio isn’t good. Besides being more difficult to hear, bad audio simply doesn’t sound good to the ears.

At the very least, speak clearly and do whatever you can to avoid crackling sounds and unnecessary background noise.

2. Your Camera Cutting Out Mid-Video

Let’s say you’ve nailed your setup, and you’re in the groove while talking on camera. And then, at the worst possible moment, your camera cuts off or shuts down completely.

Your camera could stop recording for several reasons. Sometimes, you might have a time limit for each video; once you go over that, all you have to do is press the record button again. In other instances, your memory card might be full, and you’ll have to free up some space.

Your camera might also stop recording because the battery is empty. Charging your battery the night before you plan on shooting your videos will almost always solve this issue.

3. Issues With Your Editing Software

A video editing software on Mac

Regardless of whether you choose Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve, you’ll probably have a lot to learn when you first use video editing software. And during these early stages, when you’re trying to figure out which tools you should use, your workflow will be significantly longer.

In addition to learning-related issues, you might also have to deal with your editing software crashing. You can minimize the impact by closing other programs that consume significant energy, and you should also save your project regularly.

4. Dealing With Low Views

Even if you get the basics of starting a YouTube channel right, you probably won’t attract millions of subscribers overnight. For the first few months, you’ll likely get low—if any—views.

It’s disheartening when nobody watches the videos you’ve put so much effort into. But you must remember that things will change if you consider growing your channel as a long-term project. Think about sharing your videos with friends and family to at least build a base audience.

5. Nerves and Imposter Syndrome

man vlogging on the beach

If you’ve never spoken in front of a camera before, you might feel nervous when starting a YouTube channel. However, understand that you aren’t alone; even established YouTubers often get butterflies before hitting the record button. You might also feel imposter syndrome—but again, this is normal because you’re entering the unknown.

Leaning into your fears and publishing videos despite them is the best way to progress beyond these early worries. You should also consider shifting your mindset to believe that you’re feeling excitement rather than nervousness.

How to Deal With Rookie YouTuber Problems

Now that you’re aware of the main problems that beginner YouTubers face, we can move on and give you a few solutions.

1. Invest in a Good Microphone

A female podcaster staring at a microphone

When you start recording YouTube videos, you might rely on the built-in microphones on your smartphone or camera. However, you’ll quickly realize that neither produces the best sound quality in most cases.

Instead, you’re better off purchasing a microphone. You can find several affordable mics on the market, such as the RØDE VideoMic Go II. Many will plug into your computer via a USB port, and you can also get external mics for your camera if your videos have more of a vlogging style.

2. Buy Multiple Memory Cards and Batteries

Photographers and filmmakers share many of the same expertise as well as problems, and the need for extra memory cards and batteries is one of them. Having only one of each is risky. If you’re serious about posting YouTube videos for the long run, you must invest in extra memory cards and batteries.

The former is useful if you’re putting together a big project or traveling for an extended period without your laptop. Meanwhile, having extra batteries will ensure that you don’t hinder your workflow by having to wait for one to recharge.

3. Upload Regularly

The YouTube app being opened on an iPhone that somebody is holding

You might feel like you’re talking to a brick wall during your early days as a YouTuber, but we can guarantee that your channel won’t grow if you give up too soon. Show up and post videos regardless of who watches them, and prioritize enjoyment over views.

To help you stay on track, consider creating an uploading schedule each month. You can choose from several calendar apps to set deadlines and ensure you keep churning out content.

4. Get to Know Your Editing Software of Choice

Learning how to use new software is even more difficult if you try to do so without help. While you’ll naturally pick up various tips and tricks over time, knowing the basics before you start is a good idea.

You’ll find plenty of resources online to help you become more proficient with editing videos. We’ve got lots of how-to guides here, but you can also search for tutorials on YouTube. Alternatively, consider taking an online course.

Starting a YouTube Channel Is Hard, but Success Is Possible

Achieving success on YouTube can feel like an uphill battle when you’re new to the scene. However, plenty of people have achieved success before, and you can emulate them if you remain committed for the long haul.

You’ll encounter problems on your journey as a YouTuber regardless of what you do. Nonetheless, you can reduce the learning curve if you anticipate the challenges heading your way and know how to react when they arrive.