It looks like every console owner's dream has come true. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony are all going to be working together, as confirmed by Microsoft itself.

The three brands aren't working on a console, before you get too carried away. But they are joining forces to concentrate on an issue that affects all gamers; player protection.

Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony: A Shared Vision

In an news post, Microsoft has confirmed that it shares a vision with Nintendo and Sony; to ensure player protection is paramount at all times.

Dave McCarthy, Corporate Vice President of Xbox Operations, says:

At Xbox, we are aligned with both Nintendo, on behalf of the community of Nintendo Switch players, and PlayStation in our belief that protecting players online requires a multidisciplinary approach–one that combines the benefits of advanced technology, a supportive community, and skilled human oversight. We can accomplish more when we work toward the same goal...

McCarthy says that gaming is for people of any age and ability. He feels that it is important that Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony protect all of their players and ensure that they can game in a safe environment.

The three have come up with a set of shared principles which will ensure their gamers stay safe.

Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony Player Protection Principles

The principles shared by the three console creators revolve around a trio of core ideas. These fall under the headings "Prevention", "Partnership", and "Responsibility".

They center "Prevention" around supporting parents with the tools they need to keep their kids safe. They will ensure that safety tools are easy to access and implement. Improper conduct will end across all three gaming communities, thanks to investment in new tech.

"Partnership" focuses on ensuring user safety by partnering with appropriate authorities and the wider gaming industry. All three brands will share the responsibility of researching and resolving industry-wide issues.

"Responsibility" puts elements of safety back into the hands of the players. The three will ensure that it is easy to report violations of the codes of use. There is a lot a player can do themselves, such as enabling two-factor authentication on their account, or setting up parental controls.

This shared responsibility means that the console creators also take some onus. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony will work with local law enforcement if there is a threat of imminent harm coming to any gamer within each respective community.

Player Protection is an Important Issue


It is good to know that the three biggest companies in gaming share this vision. They unarguably hold a lot of clout within the industry. Hopefully, their player protection principles pay off.

In a time when online safety is paramount, some responsibility must fall with those who create these environments. It is only by unifying, as Dave McCarthy asserts, that the industry can achieve these goals.