BlackArch is a security-focused Arch Linux-based distribution that, much like its Debian-based counterparts Kali Linux and Parrot OS, provides a plethora of security tools and pentesting utilities.

If you're using vanilla Arch Linux and want to perform security testing, you'll be disappointed to find that the vanilla Arch repositories do not host any pentesting tools. Fret not though, for it's quite easy to add the BlackArch repository to your Arch system and gain access to the massive arsenal of pentesting tools it hosts.

Let's look at the steps to add the BlackArch repository to your Arch-based system and install pentesting tools.

What Is the BlackArch Strap Script?

The BlackArch Strap script adds an unofficial user repository that contains all the up-to-date cybersecurity tools.

Running the script automatically adds the BlackArch repo to your vanilla Arch distribution. You can then immediately start downloading pentesting tools of your choice which were previously unavailable on the default Arch Linux installation.

Step 1: Download and Run the BlackArch Strap Script

Installing and running the blackarch strap script

Download the shell script either from the official BlackArch website or from the command line using the curl command:

        curl -O

Download: BlackArch Strap Script

Once you've successfully downloaded the script, convert it into an executable using the chmod command and run it with elevated privileges using the sudo prefix:

        chmod +x
sudo ./

Allow it to finish executing and then move on to the next step.

Step 2: Install Pentesting Tools on Arch Using Pacman

Installing security tools using pacman

Now that you've added the BlackArch repository, you can begin installing the pentesting tools of your choice using Pacman, the default package manager for Arch Linux. Or you can use a different package manager in case you don't use Pacman.

For instance, here's how you would install Metasploit on Arch Linux:

        sudo pacman -S metasploit

That's all the steps required to add the BlackArch repository to your vanilla Arch Linux distribution and arm it with a massive collection of security tools.

Now You Know How to Add BlackArch Tools to Arch Linux

Now that you've transformed your regular Arch distro into a penetration-testing beast, you are ready to download and explore all the tools that the BlackArch repository has to offer.

Although you won't be needing to learn or even download a lot of the tools in the repository, there are a few tools you should familiarize yourself with as they will help you improve your security stature and allow you to self-audit your systems.