With 2022 almost coming to an end, Apple Music is providing its users with a highlight of their listening statistics in the past year, dubbed Apple Music Replay. Apple Music Replay highlights your listening habits throughout the year on the music streaming service.

So while Spotify fans enjoy their Spotify Wrapped highlights, Apple Music fans can also join in the fun. We'll show you how to view your Apple Music Replay 2022 statistics. But first, let's start with the basics.

What Is Apple Music Replay 2022?

Apple Music Replay is a summary that provides insights into your listening habits on Apple's music streaming service in the past year. It highlights standout themes in your listening history, revealing your top songs, artists, albums, stations, and genres. Apple Music Replay also gives you a playlist with your top songs of the year so that you can listen to those hits in one single place.

According to Apple, the company considers your listening history, tallying the number of times you've played and amount of times you've listened to a song, album, artist, playlist, genre, and station. In other words, Apple Music Replay is like the 2022 Spotify Wrapped, but for Apple Music users.

How to View Your Apple Music Replay 2022

To view your Apple Music Replay, you must be an active subscriber subscribed to one of Apple Music's subscription plans. Another thing, as you'll note from the guide, you can't view your Apple Music Replay highlights inside the app. You can only access it via a browser.

With that aside, follow these steps to view your Apple Music Replay 2022 statistics:

  1. Go to replay.music.apple.com.
  2. Tap Get Started and sign in using your Apple ID. Once you're signed in, you will be able to access Apple Music Replay's dashboard.
  3. Tap Play highlight reel to view a highlight of your listening statistics in the past year. After you've seen your highlight, that button will change to Play highlight reel again.
  4. Next, scroll down the page to view your complete statistics.

When you scroll down, you'll see different statistics. At the top, Apple Music Replay opens with the total number of songs you've listened to in the past year, followed by the top five songs in that period. After that, the platform lists your top ten songs, followed by the total number of artists you've listened to, including your favorite ten, breaking it down by the total minutes listened to per artist.

The page also includes the total played albums and playlists and highlights your top albums and playlists. It also includes your top stations and wraps it up with a link to your Replay 2022 music playlist with a collection of your top songs of 2022. Optionally, you can share some of your stats on social media using the Share button on the bottom right.

Besides your statistics for the past year, Apple also provides a playlist of top songs for every year you've been subscribed to Apple Music. To view your past top songs, open the Apple Music app, navigate to Listen Now, then scroll down to Replay: Your Top Songs by Year. If you also use Spotify and love this idea, there's a way you can view your old Spotify Wrapped playlists.

View Your Apple Music Listening Statistics With Replay

Apple Music Replay has it all if you love to view your listening habits throughout the year. It highlights all the key statistics you'd like to know about your listening habits: your top playlists, songs, artists, stations, and albums. Although the feature is unavailable inside the app, the user interface improves the experience.

Of course, the only caveat is that you must have an active Apple Music subscription to view your Apple Music Replay statistics.