The day has finally arrived. After years of longing and months of saving, a Switch can finally call your hands home. Sure, you could have only afforded one second-hand. However, it doesn’t make it any less beautiful and capable of giving you endless days of entertainment.

While it’s not possible to recreate the glorious experience of unboxing a Switch for the first time, all is not lost. There is another oddly satisfying moment that all people who love consoles will know about—naming your device.

So, how exactly do you wipe off the traces of your new device’s past owners? Here's how you rename your Nintendo Switch.

Steps to Change Your Nintendo Switch Console Name

Unlike adding another profile to your Switch, your console can only have one name. To change the name of your Switch console, all you have to do is go to System Settings > System. Then, select Console Nickname.

Switch Console Name Change

From here, type in the desired name you want for your Switch.

Switch New Console Name

You can opt for a practical name like [Your Name]’s Switch, or a funny name that will make you smile every time you see it. In fact, there’s nothing stopping you from being extra creative with the right Switch name.

Related: How to Customize the Nintendo Switch User Interface

For example, you can name your Switch a human name and tell all your friends you spend the entire weekend with them. On a more boring note, you may also want to change your Switch name when giving it as a gift to another person or preparing for its next owner.

Give Your Switch a New Life (and Name)

What’s in a name? Apparently, many things. While naming your Switch doesn’t really affect much of your gaming experience, it adds a certain amount of satisfaction. There’s no hard and fast rule for what you should name your device. You might as well have fun with it.