Message reactions are a nifty way to acknowledge or respond to messages on Instagram without typing out a response. While they may not always replace responses, they can be helpful when you don't have the time or energy to reply immediately.

Read on if you'd like to know how to react to messages on Instagram.

How to React to Messages on Instagram

Can't react to messages on Instagram because you don't know how? Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open your Instagram app, navigate to your chats, and locate the message you want to react to.
  2. Tap and hold on to the message until a row of reaction icons appears.
  3. Select the emoji that you would like to react with.
  4. Tap the plus icon to choose other emoji reactions.

The emoji will appear as a small icon below the message, and the sender will be notified of your reaction. You can remove or change your reaction at will by tapping the emoji again.

Instagram message reaction emojis are one of the useful features you can use in Instagram DMs.

Tips for Reacting to Messages on Instagram

Reacting to messages can be a great way to express yourself quickly and easily. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your message reactions:

  • Mix it up: Reacting to messages doesn't have to be limited to the six emoji reactions that pop up first. Tap the plus icon to choose from dozens of additional emoji variations to react to messages.
  • Customize your reactions: Most emojis are available in multiple skin tones. Personalize your reactions by selecting the emoji that best matches your skin tone.
  • Emojis shouldn't replace a response: Emojis are a great way to acknowledge and respond quickly, but they don't replace the value of having an actual conversation. Remember to respond with words after you've reacted with an emoji.
  • Use popular emojis: Emojis can sometimes have different meanings in different cultures. When in doubt, use popular emojis to make sure your message is clear. We also recommend keeping up to date with the meaning of popular emojis to avoid any misunderstandings.

Reacting to Messages on Instagram

Reactions are a fun and easy way to acknowledge Instagram messages without typing anything out. With just a few taps, you can express your feelings with a range of emoji reactions.

Just remember to mix it up, customize your reactions, and don't forget to respond with words where appropriate.