Are Reddit videos playing without sound? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many users have the same problem. Thankfully, there's an easy way to turn on sound for Reddit videos. We'll show you how to in this article.

Why Videos on Reddit Don't Play with Sound

screenshot of video on reddit

There are a few reasons videos on Reddit don't play with sound by default. The first is that, since Reddit is primarily a text-based platform and most users just don't think to turn the sound on.

Another reason is that there's a good chance you're looking at it while you're at work or in some other public place. If that's the case, then playing videos with sound by default may be inconsiderate to those around you.

Another possibility is that the video was posted without sound. This can be intentional or unintentional, but in either case, there's not much you can do about it.

App issues can also be the cause of no sound in Reddit videos. It's always a good idea to make sure you're using the latest version of Reddit on your smartphone or tablet. You can also clear the app's data periodically to make sure everything is working properly.

Finally, the video you're trying to watch may be muted by Reddit. This usually happens when a video is considered not safe for work (NSFW) and is automatically muted by the platform.

If you're new to the platform, we recommend following a few tips for new Reddit users that can help you better navigate the platform.

How to Get Sound on Reddit Videos

Before taking any steps, make sure your device's volume is turned up and that you don't have a physical mute switch enabled (e.g., on a laptop). If that's the case, you won't be able to hear anything, even if you manage to get sound working on Reddit videos.

Once you've confirmed that the problem isn't with your device's sound settings, try these steps:

  1. Open the Reddit app and find a video that you want to watch.
  2. Open the video you want to watch.
  3. Tap on the speaker icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the video to turn the sound on.

You should now be able to hear sound on the video you're watching. If you want to turn off the sound again, just tap the speaker icon once more.

These steps apply to both the app and web versions. However, you may need to tweak additional settings (like toggling the ring/silent switch or turning off Reddit Quiet Mode) to get the sound working as it should on your iPhone.

How to Turn Off Reddit Quiet Mode on iOS

Quiet mode is a setting on the Reddit app for iOS that mutes all videos by default. So, while unmuting one video is supposed to unmute all videos, that isn't the case if you have Quiet Mode turned on. You'll have to unmute videos individually.

Here's how to check if Quiet Mode is enabled, and how to turn it off:

  1. Open the Reddit app and tap on your profile icon in the top left-hand corner
  2. Tap on Settings
  3. Tap the Quiet audio mode toggle switch to turn it off.

Using Third-Party Apps to Get Sound on Reddit Videos

For some reason, some videos on Reddit just don't have sound, no matter what you do. In those cases, some users have found that using third-party apps like Apollo for Reddit and Sync for Reddit can help.

Some of these apps are Reddit client apps, which means you can use them without worrying too much about giving up your Reddit login information. However, it's always a good idea to use caution when downloading any third-party app, especially if you're giving it access to your Reddit account.

You Can Now Enjoy Sound on Reddit Videos

Getting sound on Reddit videos can be a bit tricky, but as long as you're aware of the steps needed to do so, it should be a breeze.

Just remember to check your device's sound settings, turn on the video's own audio, and adjust any Reddit-specific settings as needed. If all else fails, you can always try one of Reddit's client apps to see if it helps.