Using subtitles when watching movies and shows on Max has many benefits. Not only does it help those with accessibility requirements, but you can also use it to improve your vocabulary or practice another language.

We're going to show you how to enable and disable subtitles on Max.

How to Enable or Disable Subtitles on Max (Mobile)

Using subtitles while watching Max on your Android or iOS device is just as easy as adding subtitles on Disney+. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Open the Max app on your device.
  2. Select the movie or show you want to watch.
  3. Once you're watching something, tap on your screen.
  4. Tap the Audio and Subtitles button. It's the speech bubble icon in the top-right corner.
  5. Under Subtitles, choose the language you want for your subtitles. You can also choose English CC to use closed captions.
  6. Press the X in the top-right corner to go back to whatever you were watching.
Subtitles and Audio Settings on Max

After that, your show or movie will show subtitles or closed captions. If you want to get rid of subtitles, just repeat the process and tap Off.

How to Enable or Disable Subtitles on Max (Desktop)

Adding subtitles on your browser is just as easy. The only difference is where you'll find the subtitles button. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Max website.
  2. Log in to your account if you need to.
  3. Select the show or movie you want to watch.
  4. Hover your mouse over the show or movie you're watching.
  5. Click the Audio and Subtitles button. It's the speech bubble icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
  6. Under Subtitles, choose the language you want. You can also choose closed captions in English by selecting English CC.
  7. Press the X that's next to Subtitles to continue watching.
Subtitles and Audio Settings on Max

If you're using Max on your browser, you can also change the caption settings to alter things like the size and color of the font. Follow the steps above and, under Subtitles, click Caption Settings.

All Good Streaming Services Support Subtitles

Using these easy instructions, you can change the subtitles to any language you want. The process is essentially the same on whatever device you're watching Max on, whether it's a smart TV, games console, streaming stick, and so on.