When you work remotely, it is often inevitable to have accounts in different project management and productivity tools. And when you stop using these tools and platforms, you still get notifications and emails from them.

Decluttering your devices from unnecessary apps and services is an essential productivity habit. This article will show you how to delete your Asana account permanently.

How to Delete Your Asana Account

Asana is a very popular project management tool used by individuals and teams to track, organize, and assign tasks. To delete your Asana account, open the application on your device and follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the app.
  2. Click on My Settings.
  3. Toggle the settings options from Profile to Accounts.
  4. Click Deactivate Account. You will find this option at the bottom of the page.
  5. An account deactivation window would pop up. Click the Deactivate button in red. If you wish, you can type in your feedback or reason for deleting your account into the text box provided.

Why You May Want to Delete Your Asana Account

There are many reasons why you may want to delete your Asana account. Whatever your reasons are, deleting or deactivating your Asana account is a permanent decision and cannot be reversed. Here are some reasons you might want to delete your Asana account.

  • Your company may be moving to another project management platform.
  • You might be leaving a company that uses Asana as its primary project management platform and have no need for it any longer.
  • You prefer another project management tool and have stopped using Asana. Here are some free alternatives to Asana you can try out.

Project Management Alternatives for Asana

Now that you've deleted your Asana account, your productivity and task management don't have to take a dip. There are many project management alternatives for Asana. These tools help you save time, manage your tasks, track time, and improve collaboration between you and your colleagues.