There are various ways you can change the line spacing of your Word document. This article is going to show you step by step how to change line spacing in Word.

How to Change Line Spacing in Word

1. Open your Word document and click on the Home tab.

home tab in Microsoft Word

2. Click on the Show/Hide paragraph mark button on the Paragraph section. This is optional, as it is just to show you how paragraphs and other hidden formatting symbols may alter your line spacing.

highlight paragraph

3. Select the text you want to change the line spacing.

select text you want to space

4. Click on the Line and Paragraph Spacing in the Paragraph section.

select spacing option in microsoft word

5. Choose your desired line spacing from the drop-down menu from 1.0-3.0. Here, 1.0 will set your document to single spacing and 2.0 is double-spacing.

double spacing text sample in microsoft word

Related: How to Double Space a Word Document

How to Change Line Spacing in Word From the Paragraph Dialog Box

1. You can change line spacing in Word using the Paragraph Dialog Box. The process is the same as above, however when you get to step 4, click on the Paragraph Dialog Box.

paragraph dialog box

2. The Paragraph Dialog Box will pop up. Click on to Line spacing and choose your desired line spacing. Click OK to set the change in line spacing.

paragraph dialog box

How to Double Space in Word From the Page Layout Tab

To use this method:

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Click on the Page Layout tab.
  3. Go to the Paragraph section. Click on the down-facing arrow in the bottom right corner, which will pop the Paragraph dialog box.
  4. Click on the Indents and Spacing tab.
  5. In the Spacing segment, look for the Line Spacing box and click on it.
  6. Then click on Double from the list box.
  7. Click OK to set the double-spacing, and that will also exit the dialog box.
Selecting double space between lines from the layout tab

Line Spacing in Word

One of the easiest ways to improve the readability of your Word document is by changing the line spacing. With the above steps, you can do that and have a readable document.