Social media is a haven for massive growth. This is why many business owners hire social media managers to build a strong online presence and cultivate loyal audiences they can sell to. Your role as a social media manager involves creating engaging and relevant content for your target audience.

To achieve that and make your client's brand more appealing to customers, we have some proactive steps you can take. You’ll also learn how to synchronize content across different media channels to create the perfect marketing platform.

1. Identify Your Social Media Goals

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Creating engaging social media content goes beyond being entertaining and trendy. It should also be in sync with your social media goals. By mapping out what you want to achieve on social media, you’ll be able to create content that drives the right traffic toward you.

While being entertaining and informative with social media content, you should be strategic enough to drive attention to the services provided by that brand. You can start by brainstorming to achieve SMART goals and creating content that aligns with these goals.

Setting SMART goals includes stating what the success of these social media activities would look like, all things being equal. Also, determine the duration you intend to achieve these goals because it will help to tell when to switch content type for the next phase in the selling process.

2. Learn About Your Target Audience Interests

Learning about your target audience’s interests is another important step to creating engaging social media content, and one of the best ways to do this is by asking questions. As a social media manager, this is the part where you get to know your target audience better. It involves reading your audience’s emotions and understanding their interest in asking for feedback.

Creating content that appeals to their emotions helps to build a connection between them and the brand you represent. Always remember to advertise the value of the brand’s services rather than its features. They want to know how you can solve their problems, so it would help to focus on their needs instead.

You can use a few resources like, BuzzSumo, and Google Trends to conduct your research. These resources use AI to correlate possible queries from the target audience in your niche. Using them gives you an idea of what content would appeal to your audience, which would help form a blueprint for future social media content.

3. Provide Relevant Social Media Content

A woman working on a laptop in front of a ring light

When you have discovered your target audience’s interest, the next step is to create social media content tailored to them. Before making posts online, search for content ideas that would be valuable to your audience.

Each content you create should address their pain points and resonate with their values. And with the results of your study online, answer questions you think they might have. Humans naturally tilt towards areas that are highly beneficial to them and actionable.

Over the years, informative content has been shown to draw high engagement with the audience. In addition, you can share tips and advice and post customer reviews that depict how well the brand is working for others.

Finally, it helps to understand the reaction of your audience across different platforms. Promoting a brand by increasing engagement on Facebook differs greatly from how it is done on LinkedIn. You’ll need to learn to read the room, understand what works, and act accordingly.

4. Use Informational Infographics

Unlike written posts, infographics serve as visual hooks for engaging your audience. They help to connect the idea of the posts and content you create with your audience’s visual and imaginative thinking. And like every content type, informational infographics need to be topically relevant to the target audience to pull the kind of engagement you desire.

In addition, you should use infographics with a clear headline because that’s the first thing they will likely see as they scroll through your content. One tip to take note of is that having a clear and central message is one of the things that make a good infographic and bolster content engagement.

The best way to use infographics is when presenting case studies and informational content for your target audience. You want to also use them in ways that establish credibility for the brand you represent. So beyond boosting engagement on social media, you’re promoting the brand as a reliable source for solutions to pain points in their target market.

5. Respond to Feedback

A woman taking notes while sitting in front of a man in a black suit

While it is great to find out about your audience preferences and ask for feedback, it would be in vain if you ignore them and fail to act. You’ll learn what appeals to the online community by analyzing constructive feedback.

As a social media manager, the idea is to improve your brand’s awareness. That includes taking feedback from the audience—even naysayers—and convincing them of your brand’s reliability and efficiency.

Asides from that, responding to feedback on the comments also helps to create a connection with the audience. People incline to brands that are truly interested in them, and when you respond to their queries, you build trust with them.

The best part is that this has a domino effect because they are most likely to engage when you make social media content in the future due to the level of your responsiveness.

6. Make Original and Real-Time Content

Making original content helps you stand out amongst the noise on social media. As a social media manager, learning to be creative when producing content for social media is important because the beauty of the content you share lies in its diversity. So, you don’t want to bore the audience you intend to sell to.

Real-time content means creating never-seen-before, fresh content around the brand service you represent. The trick to doing this is by searching for new ideas or revamping evergreen content using different styles.

You can experiment using videos, images, and words to create original content at this stage. It’s also important to map out a content strategy to avoid repeating content unnecessarily. With a content strategy, you can carefully craft content that appeals to your target audience.

Building the Perfect Marketing Platform Using Social Media

With the right social media content and call to action, you can create the perfect marketing platform that generates leads and increases conversions for your brand. In addition, posting social media content consistently also helps to improve engagement. So, using social media scheduling tools, you can deliver content promptly and in synchrony across all platforms you manage.