Apple's GarageBand is a great tool for music composing. Since GarageBand is a free Mac utility, you can start creating your own audio masterpieces today, no matter your experience. That said, as GarageBand has become more powerful, the program has also become more complicated to use.

In order to get the most out of it, you must learn GarageBand's keyboard shortcuts. If you've never used any of its keyboard shortcuts, it's time to start learning them. You'll be amazed at how quickly they can improve your productivity.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the GarageBand Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

GarageBand Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac




Open a movie

Command + Option + O

Create a new project

Command + N

Open an existing project

Command + O

Close the current window or project

Command + W

Minimize the GarageBand window

Command + M

Save the current project

Command + S

Save as

Command + Shift + S

Show GarageBand preferences

Command + ,

Hide GarageBand

Command + H

Quit GarageBand

Command + Q


Command + ?

Start or stop playback


Go to the end of the last region

Option + Return

Move cycle area forward

Command + Shift + .

Move cycle area back

Command + Shift + ,

Move forward by visible width of the timeline


Move back by visible width of the timeline


Timeline and Navigation

Go to beginning


Go to beginning and play




Move playhead back one bar

"," (comma)

Move playhead forward one bar

"." (period)

Zoom in

Command + Right arrow

Zoom out

Command + Left arrow


Preview the selected audio (for Audio Editor)

Option + Space

Transpose selected notes up one semitone (for Piano Roll & Score Editors)

Option + Up arrow

Transpose selected notes down one semitone (for Piano Roll & Score Editors)

Option + Down arrow

Transpose selected notes up one octave (for Piano Roll & Score Editors)

Option + Shift + Up arrow

Transpose selected notes down one octave (for Piano Roll & Score Editors)

Option + Shift + Down arrow

Editing and Arranging Tracks


Command + Z


Command + Shift + Z

Split region

Command + T

Join selected regions

Command + J


Command + X


Command + C


Command + V




Create new track

Command + Option + N

Create new audio track

Command + Option + A

Delete selected track

Command + Delete

Automation lanes toggle


Mute/Unmute selected track


Solo/Unsolo for selected track


Create a new software instrument track

Command + Option + S

Duplicate the selected track

Command + D

Rename the selected track

Shift + Return

Select the next higher track

Up arrow

Select the next lower track

Down arrow

Select the previous region on the selected track

Left arrow

Select the next region on the selected track

Right arrow

Global Tracks

Show/hide the Arrangement track

Shift + Command + A

Show/hide the Movie track

Shift + Command + O

Show/hide the Transposition track

Shift + Command + X

Show/hide the Tempo track

Shift + Command + T

Display Objects

Show or hide Smart Controls


Show or hide the Score Editor


Show or hide the Piano Roll Editor


Show or hide the Loop Browser


Show or hide the Library


Show or hide the Editor


Show or hide the Media Browser


Show or hide the Arrangement track

Command + Shift + A

Show or hide the Movie track

Command + Shift + O

Show or hide the Transposition track

Command + Shift + X

Show or hide the Tempo track

Command + Shift + T

Show or hide the Master track

Command + Shift + M

Show or hide the NotePad

Command + Option + P

Show or hide the Musical Typing window

Command + K

Other Useful Shortcuts

Loop selected region continuously


Rename the selected region

Shift + N

Turn snap to grid on or off

Command + G

Show or hide alignment guides

Command + Option + G

Count-in toggle

Shift + K

Transpose selected notes up one semitone

Option + Up arrow

Transpose selected notes down one semitone

Option + Down arrow

Transpose selected notes up one octave

Option + Shift + Up arrow

Transpose selected notes down one octave

Option + Shift + Down arrow

Print score notation

Command + P

Loop browser


Cycle area toggle


Metronome toggle


Quick help

Shift + /

Full screen

Command + Control + F

Become a GarageBand Master

GarageBand is a wonderful music creation tool. It has become much more complex over the years, but it can still be a great tool for any musician. Plus, you'll find that these keyboard shortcuts will improve your productivity and make producing music faster and more fun!