You may have noticed a crown icon next to someone's name in a Discord server. If you make your own server, you'll get that fancy crown too. It represents who owns the server.

However, that crown icon can disappear. Perhaps yours has gone and you want it back? Whatever the case, we're going to tell you everything you need to know about the Discord crown.

What Does the Crown Mean on Discord?

Pop into a Discord server and take a look at the members list. You might see a crown next to someone's name. In fact, if you make your own Discord server, you'll see that crown next to your name.

discord crown

That's because the crown shows who the server owner is. Hover the crown and the tooltip says Server Owner. That's how you know the icon is legit, rather than just an emoji someone has put on the end of their name.

How to Add or Remove the Crown on Discord

If you own a server and don't want the crown next to your name, you need to assign another user the administrator role.

However, a word of caution: the administrator role grants someone full permissions in your server. Anything you can do in the server, so can they. They can ban people, add channels, modify permissions, and more.

As such, don't simply grant someone the administrator role just to get rid of the crown. Only do it when you genuinely want someone to have that level of permission on your server.

To make someone on your Discord server an admin:

discord display role separately
  1. Click the server name in the top-left and click Server Settings.
  2. On the left menu, select Roles.
  3. Click Create role.
  4. Give the role a name, a color, and so on.
  5. Pertinently, on the Display tab, enable Display role members separately from online members.
  6. On the Permissions tab, select Administrator.
  7. Click Save changes.

If you want your crown back, edit the role and remove the Display role members separately from online members option. It's this, in conjunction with someone else having the admin role, that hides your crown.

Discord Has Lots of Hidden Depth

Though Discord is easy to get to grips with, it has lots of hidden depth too. Take your time to explore all the settings and features to ensure you're making the most of the chat platform.