Web Development

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Pile of books with open pages
How to Implement Pagination in a Vue Application

Master the core concepts behind pagination with this helpful library.

10 Basic Programming Principles Every Programmer Must Know

Your code should be clear and easy to maintain. Here are several other programming principles to help you clean up your act.

An illustration of a person seated comfortably on a modern chair, engrossed in using their smartphone
How to Implement Infinite Scroll in a Web Application

Learn about the principles and practicalities of infinite scroll.

Laptop display with code on the screen and a pen holder with pens on the side.
How to Implement Infinite Scrolling and Pagination With Next.js and TanStack Query

Use these techniques to create usable interfaces for navigating data sets.

CSS code snippet showing on a computer screen.
Sass vs. SCSS: Choosing the Right CSS Preprocessor

The differences between these two syntaxes are subtle, so make sure you understand them before making the choice.

Two people looking at a laptop screen, one pointing at it with their other hand on the keyboard.
How to Reuse Logic in Vue.js With Composables

Composables are a simple upgrade to mixins that you should start using with your Vue 3 apps right away.

A vertical line separating two icons. On the left side is an icon representing a finger touching a screen. On the right side, an arrow icon represents a mouse pointer clicking on the screen.
How to Use Pointer Events in JavaScript

Why cater only to mouse input or touchscreens? Handle both types with the same amount of effort using pointer events.

A laptop displaying markup in a text editor using a dark theme with bright primary colors.
Learn About Vue.js Watchers to Improve Your Web App Development

Use watchers to monitor changes and implement behavior more intuitively.

Image of Node.js logo on a background displaying a computer screen with lines of code and a running terminal window
Compressing Images in Node.js With Sharp

Compressing images for your website or within your app can radically improve performance. Sharp does the heavy lifting.

A simple line graph on paper, showing progress from past to future, with pens and a ruler lying on top.
How to Build a Simple Chart With Chart.js

Add great-looking charts and graphs to your website or app in a matter of moments.

The word “API” surrounded by abstract icons
How to Secure GraphQL APIs: Implementing User Authentication in Express.js Using JWTs

Find out how JWTs offer a simple solution to the tricky issue of authentication.

code editor opened on a laptop
Break Free From Vue Prop Drilling With Provide/Inject

Reduce boilerplate code and make your Vue apps more maintainable using this convenient alternative.

CSS code snippet showing on a computer screen.
An Introduction to CSS Transitions for Beginners

Transitions are a basic form of CSS animation that you can use to create beautiful effects.

Person holding css3 logo
How to Add Dark Themes in Vue Apps With CSS Variables

Learn about CSS variables and the LocalStorage API with this practical Vue project.

A server room containing multiple servers
The Impact of Server-Side Rendering on SEO and Performance

Server-side rendering offers significant benefits to your web sites and applications.

The Angular logo, a large white letter A on a red abstract shape looking roughly like a shield
How to Build Custom Directives in Angular

Angular's custom directives offer a robust mechanism for modifying the DOM and incorporating dynamic behavior into your templates.

React Logo overlaying an image of someone using a laptop and a mobile phone
useEffect, useLayoutEffect, and useEffectEvent: A Comparison of Data Fetching Hooks in React

Explore React's data fetching hooks—useEffect, useLayoutEffect, and useEffectEvent—comparing their functionalities for efficient app development.

The Nest.js logo, a red silhouette of a cat's head, superimposed on a PC motherboard
How to Use Nest.js Exception Filters to Handle Errors

Unhandled exceptions can cause confusion and frustration. Clean them up with exception filters.

The word “API” surrounded by abstract icons
How to Test Express.js REST APIs Using Cypress

Cypress is great for front-end testing, but it can test your APIs effectively too.

code editor open in dark mode
How to Create a Simple Contact Form Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learn to create a simple contact form for your website with easy steps, ensuring effective communication with your audience.

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