Each day, billions of emails are sent and received. Starting your email the right way can help your message stand out and can establish a good tone for your email.

Email opening lines like “I hope you are well” and “I hope this email finds you well” are standard greetings. While these have served as a great way to wish your email recipient well, they have become a bit boring and out of touch.

Be it personal or professional, sending a well-crafted email is always a good idea. Let’s take a look at alternative ways to say “hope you’re doing well” in an email.

1. Hope You’ve Beaten the Monday Blues

Mondays are often a drag for some people. This can create a negative atmosphere that discourages productivity. If you’re sending an email on a Monday, this is a unique and slightly humorous way to inform your recipient that you're wishing them a good week.

Phrase written on black board

Using this greeting line also demonstrates that you’re willing to add some fun to your emails while keeping things professional. Additionally, it gives your receiver a sense of normalcy, if they are feeling blue on Monday.

2. How’s Life in [City]

This is a great email opening line to send to someone who lives in another city. This could be someone who has recently relocated or who has lived there for many years. This question shows that you've taken the time to remember your recipient's location and that you care about them.

When you use this greeting line, you'll create an opportunity to build a stronger bond between yourself and the recipient. Even though the question is friendly, it is suitable for a professional email because it isn't too casual.

3. What's the latest in Your World?

This line is especially great if you and the recipient aren't too formal with each other. It isn't too chatty, yet it does enough to break the ice and gets the job done of greeting the receiver.

This line shows that you are interested in getting to know your recipient and sets the tone for a conversational response. Your receiver will feel comfortable to reply with a response that isn't too formal.

Related: Email Tips to Help You Write Powerful Subject Lines

4. Hope You're Keeping Healthy

Using unique opening greetings can be a useful way to demonstrate to the receiver that you've put some thought into the email. But, sometimes a simple greeting line is enough to maintain a healthy relationship with your acquaintances.

While it is very similar to the line “hope you're doing well”, this is a simple, effective way to greet in an email.

This opener shows your recipient that you care about their wellbeing. You can use this line in a formal or informal email. Either way, it sets a great tone for the rest of your email.

Related: Ways to Use Emojis in Outlook Emails and Subject Lines

5. Hope You’re Having an A+ Day/Week

This is a lighthearted email opener that works well to build up your email. The term A+ often refers to something high in performance. Hence, this line will get the message across that you’re wishing them well.

You can choose whether to wish your recipient an A+ day or week. Regardless of your choice, this greeting line maintains the balance of being respectful yet not extremely formal.

Learn How to Write Better Emails

Sending emails can be dreadful. Most of the time, we rush through emails as quickly as possible, which results in a repetitiveness of opening lines. The above-mentioned lines should help you bring life to your emails.

While opening lines are useful in sending a well-crafted email, there are a few more important steps to follow in drafting a good email.