Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot that can answer a wide range of questions and provide cohesive explanations on various topics.
  • It has practical applications such as creating customized resumes, crafting jokes, explaining complex topics, solving math problems, and providing relationship advice.
  • ChatGPT can also be used for writing music, coding assistance, manipulating media files, movie recommendations, playing games, cooking assistance, improving health, creating content in multiple languages, job interview preparation, writing essays, and as a chat companion.

Artificial intelligence products have seen a meteoric rise within the last few years. We've been wowed by AI writing tools, AI text-to-image generators, and even AI self-portraits. Now, ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that is taking the internet by storm, is giving us a glimpse into the potential of AI technology.

If you've heard about ChatGPT but are unsure how it could be of practical use, we've got you covered with 16 ways you can use ChatGPT.

What Is ChatGPT?

Screenshot of ChatGPT

If you missed the whole ChatGPT buzz, or you're not exactly sure about what it is, let's help you get up to speed. ChatGPT is a conversational artificial Intelligence chatbot that can answer just about any question you throw at it.

You can think of it as a supercharged Google Search. Rather than just providing links or snippets, ChatGPT generates thoughtful, conversational responses to queries. It synthesizes information from diverse sources into cohesive answers on nearly any topic, similar to how a knowledgeable human would respond. While not infallible, ChatGPT demonstrates an impressive ability to understand natural language questions and offer nuanced explanations in a lot of fields. Science, mathematics, religion, sports, politics—you name it.

ChatGPT is more than just hype—it has practical uses. Here are some cool day-to-day uses for ChatGPT you can try right now.

1. Quickly Write a Customized Resume and Cover Letter

If you're currently job-hunting, one of the most tiring parts of the job application process is writing a personalized resume and cover letter for every job you apply for. Unfortunately, you can't simply write one copy for every job. You need custom-made copies to increase your chances of getting hired. ChatGPT can help you create a customized resume or craft professional cover letters in a few minutes.

We asked ChatGPT to write a resume for a tech writer job application, and here's part of the result.

Part of a resume created by ChatGPT resume

We also prompted it to prepare a cover letter for a job application for a web developer role at a Fashion design firm.

cover letter for web development job by chatgpt-1

2. Create Original Jokes

What's life without a bit of fun? Whether you're looking for a good laugh or to create some hilarious jokes to impress your friends, ChatGPT can come in handy. Sure, AI chatbots aren't exactly known to be great comedians, but ChatGPT shows some potential. We asked ChatGPT to tell us a joke about Apple and foldable smartphones; we'll let you judge the results:

ChatGPT joke about foldable phones

3. Explain Complex Topics

Sometimes, simply Googling a topic doesn't give you a clear understanding. Think of topics like wormholes, dark matter, and all those head-spinning theories from your Master's degree program. Or maybe it's a weird sport you don't understand or whose rules make no sense.

ChatGPT could be useful in explaining them in layperson terms. We prompted ChatGPT to "Explain wormhole like I'm 5," and here's the result.

ChatGPT explains Wormhole

We also prompted it to explain the internet similarly. It wasn't too bad, either.

ChatGPT Explaining the internet like I'm 5

4. Solve Tricky Math Problems Step-by-Step

Whether you're looking to tackle complex algebra problems or simple math problems that are too tricky to piece together, ChatGPT is particularly strong in handling math. You'll need to present your problems clearly and concisely for the best results. We prompted ChatGPT to answer a tricky math problem, and here's the result:

ChatGPT answers a tricky math problem

5. Get Relationship Advice

ChatGPT, just like any AI system, can't exactly understand emotions. However, it can still provide useful tips for managing relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. It can be your personal therapist or relationship expert if you give it the right prompts. We asked ChatGPT for help with dealing with a nosy partner, and here's what it had to say:

ChatGPT giving relationship advice

We also asked about how to deal with a partner being overly protective of their phone, and here's what it had to say:

ChatGPT giving relationship advice

6. Write Music In Almost Any Genre

One of ChatGPT's greatest strengths is its "learned creativity." Unlike some AI solutions, ChatGPT doesn't just deal with soulless robotic concepts. It is also versed in creative endeavors, including writing music. You can write just about any song in most major music genres. We prompted ChatGPT to write a rap song on Elon Musk, and here's part of its response:

Song about Elon Musk by ChatGPT

Below are the last bits of the lyrics. It's not going to win a Grammy, but with the right beats, it just might go places.


7. Write, Debug, and Explain Code

Whether you're an experienced programmer or a newbie, you're bound to run into a few bugs in your code from time to time. ChatGPT can help you narrow down the problem within your code, saving you hours looking for a misplaced comma. You can also write entire blocks of functional code snippets from scratch or analyze existing code bases to figure out the best ways to use them. There are endless ways you can use ChatGPT in programming.

We prompted ChatGPT to write a simple to-do list app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and here's the result:

to-do list app by ChatGPT

We also got the AI chatbot to write us a simple Tetris game, snake game, pong game, and even code a complete chat web app from scratch. ChatGPT is a very useful programming tool.

8. Create, Edit, and Modify Media Files

With ChatGPT's Code Interpreter feature, you can create, edit, modify, and read from a wide range of media files. The feature which is available on the ChatGPT Plus plan provides an interface to programmatically create images, modify videos, adjust audio tracks, and retrieve crucial metadata from media files with ease and precision. We asked ChatGPT to place a sniper-style crosshair on an image of Marilyn Monroe, and it provided the results in seconds.

Editing Images with ChatGPT

To learn more about manipulating media files with ChatGPT, read our guide on how to use the ChatGPT Code Interpreter feature.

9. Decide What to Watch Next

ChatGPT is one of the most powerful movie recommendation tools on the internet if you know how to use it. While there are dozens of powerful movie recommendation tools you can get your hands on, ChatGPT stands out because of the accuracy and precision you get from simply describing the kind of movies you want using simple natural language prompts. We asked ChatGPT to give us some movies that are similar to "The Walking Dead" and here's the result.

Similar tv shows recommendation from ChatGPT

Not sure how to use ChatGPT as a movie recommendation tool? We've previously put together a detailed guide on how to use ChatGPT to decide what to watch next.

10. Play Games

Looking for a fun activity? ChatGPT has some creative game ideas to try with friends or by yourself. You could play classic games like tic-tac-toe or trivia with new twists that ChatGPT can suggest to make it more engaging. Whether you want a competitive game against ChatGPT or a cooperative game you can all play together, ChatGPT can provide unique game suggestions tailored to what you're looking for. So if you're bored and want to try something new, ask ChatGPT to invent a fun, customized game--it's a great way to liven up your day! Not sure which games you can play with ChatGPT? Here are some interesting games you can play with ChatGPT right now.

11. Get Cooking Help

A robot help in the kitchen? ChatGPT and cooking seem like a weird combination, but it works excellently if you know the right prompts to use. You can use ChatGPT to explore new recipes, prepare shopping lists, brainstorm new flavor combinations, learn new cooking tips, or explore healthier ways to cook popular meals. Fancy testing ChatGPT's culinary skills? Here are some interesting ways you can use ChatGPT as a cooking assistant.

12. Improve Your Health

With its vast wealth of health information, you can leverage ChatGPT to improve your health in several ways. It can help you create personalized workout and meal plans tailored to your unique needs. You can also use it to develop healthy habits like sleep routines and mindfulness practices or even use it as a medical symptom checker. Although ChatGPT has its limitations in the field of health, it is still an immensely useful tool you can utilize to improve your health. We've put together a guide on how to use ChatGPT to improve your health.

13. Create Content In Multiple Languages

If you're a content creator who would love to reach a wider audience, ChatGPT could be incredibly useful for creating content in multiple languages. Sure, there's Google Translate, but writing in one language and translating to the other means context and language-specific tones could be lost. ChatGPT can create content directly in several languages. Chinese? Check. Spanish? Check. French? Check. We prompted ChatGPT to write a poem in English and Chinese, and here's the result:

English and Chinese poem written by ChatGPT

When we compared ChatGPT to Google Translate in translation tasks, ChatGPT seemed to have an edge in many areas.

14. Prepare for a Job Interview

With its wealth of knowledge across several fields, ChatGPT is one of the best AI tools to help you prepare for a job interview. With a few intelligent prompts, ChatGPT can help you get your dream job. You can use it to generate hypothetical scenarios in a job interview, possible questions, intelligent replies to possible questions, and many other useful interview prep tips. We created a hypothetical situation during an interview and asked ChatGPT for help. Here's the result:

ChatGPT answers interview questions

15. Write Essays on Almost Any Topic

While we strongly advise you to write your essays yourself, ChatGPT can compose amazing essays on a wide range of topics, even the most complex. If the tone of the resulting write-up doesn't suit your test, you can teach ChatGPT how to write like you so you can get the chatbot to replicate your writing style.

We prompted ChatGPT to write an essay on Donald Trump, and here's the result:

Donald trump essay written by ChatGPT

16. A Chat Companion

When all is said and done, ChatGPT is an AI chatbot. Despite its almost endless use cases, ChatGPT is a very accommodating companion when you need someone (or a robot) to talk to.

ChatGPT companion

Verify All ChatGPT Results

Despite ChatGPT's impressive capabilities, the AI chatbot is not infallible. Consequently, exercising caution with ChatGPT's information is highly advised. Always strive to verify any critical data from ChatGPT before applying it, especially for important health or financial choices. While ChatGPT is a game-changing tool, it is still a work in progress, and human oversight remains essential.