WhoCalled.us is a directory of unlisted phone numbers (i.e. 'name unavailable'); a site where people can share comments about the identity of phone spammers. In case you ever wondered who's calling, WhoCalled.us is a place to find it out.

    • O'Reilly Radar:

"Get a call from an unrecognized number on your cell? Look it up to see who it was, where they are, and who else they called that didn't like it."

WhoCalledUs - Directory of unlisted phone numbers.

WhoCalled.us Features

  • Lookup 'name unavailable' phone numbers.
  • See how many other people received calls from the same caller.
  • Comment and view comments from others who received calls from particular phone number.
  • Browse numbers by: 'Who called the most', 'Most commented' and 'Most called state' (by all time, last 7 days).
  • Add new numbers to WhoCalled.us directory.
  • Registration is encouraged but not required.

Go to WhoCalled.us [www.WhoCalled.us]