Next time you need to find someone's phone number or address check out It is a web based address and phone number look up service that lists numbers and addresses of 180 million US adults. You do not need to pay for anything.

address and phone number look up

There are two ways to run a search:

    1. Phone number look up - search for phone number by name or address.2. Revers phone look up - search for name and address by phone number.

I have done few searches and the results were worryingly accurate (How the heck they know all of that?). In both cases the results show owner's name, address, phone number and the occupation.

find phone number and address

You can also register on the site, create your own listing and use it as your online profile. This way you have some level of control on what others see.

Additional features like free text messaging, area code look up, zip code look up and mobile carrier look up are provided as well.


  • Find phone numbers and addresses online.
  • List numbers and addresses of 180 million US adults.
  • Search for numbers by address and name.
  • Search for name and address by number.
  • Mobile app and browser search add-ons are also supported.
  • Additional services:

      - Free text messaging.- Area code look up.- ZIP code look up.- Mobile carrier look up.

  • More similar sites in 15 Websites to Find People On The Internet.

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