Have you read the book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"?  The book (which has been around for a long time) gives some pretty powerful advice on how to manage your time properly. WeekPlan is an online task manager that takes inspiration from this book. It is basically a weekly task planner that includes roles and goals in your itinerary, allowing you to organize your tasks with your long-term goals.

weekly task planner

To start using Weekplan, you need to first log in with your email address. Located on the left side of the planner are boxes that contain your long-term goals. Assign a personal role that you want to dedicate a goal to (e.g., for yourself, as a worker, as a parent, and so on). On the other side you will find a weekly planner where you can list down and arrange daily tasks that you need to accomplish for the week.

Clicking on a task will cross it off, indicating that you have already done the task. You can also mark an important task by adding the character "˜!' at the end of a task. Furthermore, you can integrate your daily tasks by dragging them to the respective goals.

weekly task planner

WeekPlan is a different take to task management. Instead of the usual mark-as-you-go apps, this tool allows you to focus on your long-term goals and remember why you are doing what you need to do.

weekly task planner


  • Weekly planner based on the book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by S. Covey.
  • Connect your daily tasks with your long term goals.
  • Put task in important/urgent quadrants.
  • Mark important tasks.
  • Group your goals according to your personal roles.
  • Drag and drop tasks.
  • Similar Tools: Doris, ToodleDo, and Goalbot.

Check out Weekplan @ www.weekplan.net