WikiLeaks is one of the most important things to have happened on the internet. Whether you support the idea or not, or whether you believe WikiLeaks is credible or not, nobody can deny that WikiLeaks has raised a lot of uncomfortable questions regarding ethics, politics, biases, and privacy.

But is WikiLeaks credible? Maybe, maybe not. If it isn’t, one has to wonder why governments want to silence and block access to the site.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that it is indeed credible. The real problem with an infodump like WikiLeaks is that you have to comb through tens of thousands of mundane correspondences in order to find the juicy bits. For every damning email, you have thousands of others on regular office shenanigans.

That's where this WikiLeaks-tracking website comes in.

Called Most Damaging WikiLeaks [No Longer Available], it aims to catalog the Top 100 juiciest and most damning leaks to be released so far. Every time there is a new batch of leaks, the site is updated to reflect the new material. And what’s most impressive is that the entire site is maintained by a single person.

Within, you’ll find details on all of the most newsworthy controversies, including the Podesta emails and the DNC leaks.

Most of the contents, at least as of this writing, are focused on details surrounding Hillary Clinton’s most recent campaign and the DNC’s operations during said campaign. If you believe that WikiLeaks is credible, then this is where you can find the most damning leaks yet.

Website -- Most Damaging WikiLeaks [Broken Link Removed]

What is your stance on WikiLeaks and whistleblowers? Have you read through the leaks yourself? If so, what’s the worst thing you’ve found? Share with us in the comments below!