ToneMatrix is a free music synthesizer and an entertaining time waster that lets you create your own audio sequences online by selecting steps on a 16x16 matrix. Simply select steps with your mouse across the whole matrix. The sound plays from left to right, based on your selected sequence of steps. Click once to select, click again to deselect. Press SPACE key, to clear all.

free music synthesizer

To save your sequence simply right-click on the matrix, click "copy" and save the sequence on your computer. To hear it next time simply paste it on to the matrix.

Some users have shared their own cool sound sequences in their comments. For example the following sequence plays the theme from the movie "Beverly Hills Cop":


To hear it, just copy & paste it onto the matrix.


  • Simple online music synthesizer
  • Select steps across the 16x16 matrix to create a music sequence
  • Copy/paste sequences provided by users to hear their music
  • Similar: Electro-House Blender and BimTones.

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