SongKick lets you browse the entire concert history of popular musicians and bands, with over 1 million past and upcoming concerts in its database. Select your favorite artist and browse his/her concert history by date, by venue and city and even find out with which other musicians the artist played the most concerts. Moreover, you can select a venue or a city and see the list of artists who played there over the years.

concert history

Sign up to share your own concert experiences and meet other people who attended the same concerts as you did and connect with fellow music fans. Add related photos and videos, add events and track the upcoming gigs of your favorite artists.


  • Concert database of more than 1 million past and upcoming concerts.
  • Browse artist's concert history by dates, by venue and by city.
  • Check out upcoming events in your city.
  • Sign up to share your own concert going history, meet people who attended the same concerts and connect with fellow fans.
  • Track upcoming gigs of your favorite artists, add related photos, posters and videos.
  • Buy concert tickets online.
  • Similar sites: HearWhere and GigFreaks.

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