I'm writing this on October 4th -- a wholly insignificant day when compared to the likes of October 31st, December 25th, February 14th, and even April 20th. Can you name one interesting thing that happened in the past on this day?

Probably not.

That's why On This Day is such a fascinating site. You can search for any given year, any given month, or any given day and it will spit back all of the amazing things that have happened on that day.


Events are split into four main categories: Birthdays, Weddings & Divorces, Deaths, and Events. The Events are obviously the most interesting as they cover History, Film & TV, Music, and Sports.

Using the search engine, you can also search for a particular person, place, or event and the results will list all of the noteworthy days related to that person, place, or event.

At the very least, it's a great way to kill a few minutes or hours and learn cool bits of trivia along the way. If you still need to kill more time, try these fun and interesting Wikipedia games.

So what's the coolest historical event you can think of? Tell us in the comments below!

Image Credit: Brian A Jackson via Shutterstock.com