Nowadays, the majority of people use so many advertisements on webpages that it becomes difficult to concentrate on the text. If you read news and articles regularly but are unable to concentrate properly because of advertisements, check out Readability.


Readability is a tool available for browsers, smartphones and tablets that turns webpages into a simpler format, allowing users to read it easily. The users can also save the pages quickly allowing them to read the webpage later. Just visit the website and download the app to your browser, or visit the appstore and download the app on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Once you visit a website where a lot of text is involved and the cluttered layout of the webpage makes it hard for you to concentrate on the text, just click on the “Read Now” button and the webpage will convert into a very simple text only format page with the article image shown. You can change the settings to configure font color, the width of the page, the font size and the option to hide all images.

If you click on the “Read Later” button you will need to sign in to your account on Readability. Once done, you can save the links and read them later anytime you wish.


  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Removes advertisements and other clutter from webpages.
  • Send articles right from the web to your Amazon Kindle device.
  • Save articles for later reading.
  • Available on iPhone and iPad.

Check out Readability @