PokeTalk offers free international calling to over 50+ countries worldwide. No headphones or mic required, all you need is an internet browser and regular or mobile phone line. You can make up to 50 calls per month, with a limit of 10 minutes per call.

free international calling

Before you can make your first free call go to PokeTalk website and signup. Once you have registered enter your phone number and the number you wish to call. Click on the "Call" button and wait for your phone to ring. When you answer it PokeTalk will connect you with the person you called.


  • Free international calling to 55 countries worldwide.
  • You can call both mobile and regular numbers.
  • Each call is limited to 10 minutes.
  • No headphones and mic needed.
  • Other sites to make free long distance calls: FreeRinger and DukaUS.

For more info watch demo video below:

Check out PokeTalk (no longer available)