Opera already has plenty of cool features that make it worth checking out, but it’s just got a few more with the launch of Opera 18 for both desktop and Android. On the desktop, it brings support for WebRTC and getUserMedia, along with themes. On Android, the team has made several major changes and brought some of Opera desktop’s best features to tablets.

Opera 18 for Desktop


On desktop, Opera 18 enables access to the camera and microphone with getUserMedia. “Try using your head to control a game with FaceKat, which uses gUM and the open-source headtrackr JavaScript by Opera's Audun Mathias Øygard,” Opera wrote in a blog.

Meanwhile, WebRTC (Real-Time Communications) lets you conduct video conferences on sites like appear.in with friends without needing to install any plugins. There are a lot more extension APIs added to Opera 18, building on the work done in the stellar Opera 15 release.

Finally, Opera 18 can be themed and it’s very easy to make them and share them with the world at the Opera Theme store.

Download Opera 18 for Windows and Mac from Opera.com.

Opera 18 for Android


The new full-featured Opera 18 browser for Android—based on Chromium 31—has been redesigned to take maximum benefit of the screen size of large touchscreen devices, much like other tablet-optimized Android browsers.

“Every detail of the user interface is meticulously planned, thought through and re-thought before implementation. Access to the most used functions, such as back and forward buttons and the menu page is conveniently located where your fingers naturally rest while using a tablet,” Opera said.

The Speed Dial makes it easy to add, organize and access most frequently visited webpages. Swipe left or right to access the Discover feature, a one-stop shop for all your news, sports and interesting feature stories. Finally, the Off-Road mode compresses data traffic to minimize data usage.

Download Opera 18 for Android from the Play Store.

Source: Opera (1), Opera (2) | Image credit: Wallike.com