OpenDNS provides a safer, faster, smarter and more reliable way to navigate the Internet. It's free, easy-to-setup and requires absolutely no download. Basically, OpenDNS lets you speed-up the website detection and loading process which is normally handled by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

OpenDNS - SpeedUp Your Internet Connection
    • User Testimonial:

"I can't say Thank You enough for providing OpenDNS. We had problems with the Bellsouth DNS servers. After switching to OpenDNS everything just works."

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OpenDNS Features

  • Speeds-up your internet connection.
  • Warns of phishing threats and adult sites.
  • Track / Monitor network activity: See what sites are being visited, block adult websites, etc.
  • Integrated spell-checking tool.
  • Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, mobile devices, gaming consoles, etc.
  • Step-by-step setup instructions for each operating system and device.
  • Open DNS server addresses: AND

OpenDNS demo video: (by

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