Octopart is an electronic parts search engine that helps engineers and enthusiasts of electronics find the best deals on gadget components. It receives product data feeds from major electronic part retailers (Newark, Avnet, Arrow, Future, and Premier Farnell), organizes it, and presents them on easy to browse interface.

electronics parts search

Users can search for products and browse them by categories. The results can be narrowed down by manufacturer, supplier, packaging, mounting type, lead free status... etc. The price comparison by varying quantities, availability and a PDF report on the part specifications are also provided.

search electronic parts


  • Easy way to find gadget parts online.
  • Product data comes from a number of retailers: Allied Electronics, Digi-Key, Mouser, Newark InOne... etc.
  • Search and browse by categories.
  • Narrow down results by manufacturer, supplier, packaging, mounting type, lead free status... etc.
  • Prices comparison, availability and PDF report are also provided.

Checdk out Octopart @ www.octopart.com