If you have an email or facebook addiction and find yourself checking them too often instead of doing what you're supposed to do. Try KeepMeOut.com. It is an online application that can help you overcome addiction of visiting certain websites (Gmail, Facebook, Digg, Myspace ..etc) too frequently. It starts sending you warning alerts when you visit such sites too often.

"The primary purpose of KeepMeOut is to prevent surfers from repeatedly visiting websites when they should be doing other things instead. During revision, for example, people tend to check their email far more often that they need to. By giving these warnings, KeepMeOut allows users to manage their time more efficiently"

The site works as follows:

1. Enter the URL of the website you visit too often in to provided field

2.  Set how often you can visit the page  "Warn me if I go to more than once in 40 minutes" and click on "Submit" button.

3. KeepMeOut will give you a bookmark which you would have to drag on to your browser and use it to navigate to that page from then onwards.

4. If you visits that site to frequently, KeepMeOut will give a warning.

facebook addiction
email addiction

Feature list:

  • Helps you to cure facebook or email addiction.
  • Provides users warnings when a website is visited too frequently.
  • Allows users to change the frequency.
  • No registration and free.

Note: You will have to use the provided bookmarks to visit the sites on your "addiction watchlist" or you won't get any warnings.

Check out KeepMeOut @ www.keepmeout.com [Broken URL Removed]