Joblighted is a simple and useful tool for job hunters, especially for those who are searching for jobs in the tech sector. It aggregates jobs from sources like Slashdot Jobs, Crunchboard, Smashing Jobs, Wired Jobs and many more, and lists them on a single page. It shows the job locations on a Google map and displays the links to the job listings below the map.


You can filter jobs by freshness, source, posted date, distance from your town and keyword. You can also generate filtered RSS feeds and subscribe to them to stay updated. There's also a filter permalink that's generated when you filter jobs.



  • Web based single page jobs aggregator.
  • Visualize job locations on Google maps.
  • Data sourced from lots of credible tech job sources.
  • Filter by freshness, source, date etc.
  • Subscribe to filtered RSS feeds.

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