Outside of certain social networks, selfie hatred is actually pretty common both online and offline. One of the many reasons why people hate selfies? They don't actually represent what you look like AKA "selfie distortion".

You can lessen the distortion effect by using a long-enough selfie stick, but that isn't always feasible. Is there another option out there? Yes there is! Sort of.

Princeton recently released an online "paper" that demonstrates a new technology: the ability take a selfie photo and warp it (using approximations) in a way that makes the subject appear as they would in real life, effectively removing the distortion.

You can see it in action in the video above, or you can visit the site and try it by uploading your own selfie photo.

None of this truly matters if you're using your selfies for, say, identification during mobile payments, but it's certainly useful for social media shots.

Give it a try and tell us what you think. Do you like the "fixed" look or do you prefer the real selfie look? Share with us in a comment below!