While Windows 10 has lots of great features to explore, there are also plenty of annoying traits in the new operating system. One of these is the ability to hide on-screen elements and controls. Some, like the Action Center, can be customized, but others allow no user control whatsoever.

If you're making it your mission to be able to hide anything in Windows, you're probably frustrated at the lack of built-in way to remove the volume control bubble that appears whenever you adjust it. Thankfully, there's a workaround for this.

You're able to install HideVolumeOSD on Windows 8--10, as those are the versions with this pop-up. When you install, you have the choice of adding an icon to your system tray in the bottom-right corner of your screen or not.

If you want to be able to toggle the volume display, it's best to add the icon for on-the-fly changing. If you want to disable that toggle for good, select the silent option and continue along.

Next, open your Start menu and browse down to HideVolumeOSD's folder. There are three entries; we're interested in the HideVolumeOSD (Hide) at the moment. Go ahead and right-click it, followed by More > Open file location to open it in Explorer.

Right-click the (Hide) program again and press CTRL + C to copy it. Next, type shell:startup into the address bar of Explorer to open your Startup folder. Press CTRL + V to paste a shortcut of the volume-hiding program that will run every time you start your PC. If you ever want to bring back the volume display, just delete this shortcut and you'll see it again.

Want to hide even more? Check out annoying Windows features you can kick out of sight right now.

Do you like the Windows 10 volume pop-up, or are you happy to hide it? Have your say in the comments!

Image Credit: Kucher Serhii via Shutterstock.com