<firstimage="https://www.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/godmode.jpg" />


God Mode is an interesting name for it and perhaps it should be dropped.  I say this for several reasons.  First of all, it's not true to its name because it really doesn't do anything above and beyond what Windows Vista and Windows 7 allow us to do already.  Secondly, the term "God Mode", contrary to popular thought, does not really need to be part of the process.

That being said, God Mode is a title that it has acquired and therefore it is pretty widely known as such.  The God Mode hack for Windows Vista and Windows 7 is a quick and easy way to make a panel that offers quick and easy access to quite the exhaustive list of Windows settings.

god mode hack

In this article I would like to share how to do the god mode hack AND several ways to make better use of the shortcut once created.

Let me first mention that it has been purported that this hack can have adverse effects on a 64 bit Windows Vista system so please don't attempt this if that is your operating system.  If you are not sure if your Vista system is the 64 bit version, just check in the System Information Window which is found in the Control Panel and is called "System."


This article will be depicting screenshots of a Windows Vista system only.  Realize that this god mode hack will also work with Windows 7.

First of all, let me share with you how to do the hack creating the desired shortcut.

DISCLAIMER: Just so you know, this idea is not a new one.  It has been shared with the general public already by many sources, one of which being cnet.  The basic idea is to create a folder in any location on the hard drive.  The trick is in the name. Most instructions you will come across will tell you to name the folder "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" without the quotes but it really doesn't matter whether or not you use the word combination "GodMode."  The important part is the rest of it.

I named the folder on my system "Windows Settings.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" for several reasons.  One, I think it describes it better and two, I think using the term "GodMode" is a somewhat flippant use for the title of God.  Call it whatever you want.

Anyhow, this hack is really cool because it contains virtually all the settings for your Windows system in one place.  If you've used Windows before, you'll understand how incredibly helpful this is!  No more hunting and trying to remember where that specific setting is located just so you can do that tiny tweak you once knew how to do.  Even aside from that, the sheer amount of clicking that you are saved from makes it worth it all!

OK, now for a few tips on how to make better use of the "GodMode" hack.

1.  Make It Easily Accessible At A Moment's Notice!

You can always do the easy-peasy desktop shortcut.  I, for one HATE having shortcuts all over my desktop which is why I typically keep them all hidden.  My suggestion is to create a quick start link on your taskbar.  I have all my important programs linked there so I hardly ever even need to visit the Start menu!

god mode hack

Then there's always the infamous Rocket Dock, making Windows one more step closer to mimicking the Apple.

windows 7 god mode hack

One of the first things I noticed about the list of settings was how disorganized they appeared.  Well, if you look carefully, you'll notice that you can click to sort them!  You can put them in order alphabetically by name, application or keywords.  To me it would seem that the application would be the most logical way to sort them, but to each his own, right?


3.  Filter For The Settings You're Looking For!

Although it is present in all file folders, the nifty little search box at the top of the window is a real time saver when you're looking for specific settings within that exhaustive list.  If you have the slightest idea of what you're looking for, begin to type it and watch the unwanted settings drop off!  Simple yet effective!


How about it?  Is the God Mode hack what it's cracked up to be?  Do you have a better solution to quickly find the settings you're looking for?  Let us know!