If you are a web designer, you probably resort to Lorem Ipsum dummy words as your placeholder for text elements. While there are several Lorem Ipsum generators out there, why not make fun of them and try the Gangsta Lorem Ipsum?

This tool generates a "translated" Lorem Ipsum - dashizzle style, which is useful if you are a fan of Snoop Dogg. We can also say it is as useless as any Lorem Ipsum generator, but we will let you be the judge of that.

gangster lorem ipsum

You only need to click the generate button to create the gangsta dummy text. You can then copy and paste paragraphs to your template to give it a nice edge. Gangsta Lorem Ipsum is a cool tool to replace gibberish text with more gibberish.


  • Generate a gangsta Lorem Ipsum.
  • Other Lorem Ipsum generators include: Lipsum, Lorem2, and AdhesionText.

Check out Gangsta Lorem Ipsum @ www.lorizzle.nl