It used to be reasonable to assume that driving to a particular city was cheaper than flying there. But that assumption is no longer usually true because of rising fuel costs, cheap flights, and other factors. Here to help you find out whether driving or flying will be cheaper for a particular trip is a web service called the "Fly or Drive" calculator by BeFrugal.

cheaper to fly or drive

Fly or Drive Calculator is a free to use web service that helps you determine the cost of driving and flying from a particular city to another. You can specify your departure and arrival cities, vehicle type, number of travellers, start and return dates, and whether or not your trip will be a return one. From its default settings, the web tool generates its time and cost predictions and shows them to you.

cheaper to fly or drive calculator

In order to change the driving and flying cost factors you can access individual settings and modify them.

is it cheaper to fly or drive calculator


  • Is it cheaper to fly or drive calculator.
  • Helps decide whether to fly or drive to a destination.
  • Auto-loads numerous travel costs.
  • Lets you modify cost settings.
  • Generates time and cost predictions.
  • Similar tools: Mapnificent, CommutePrice, Drive Pricing and MyMileMaker.

Check out Fly-or-Drive-Calculator @