Maybe you are someone like me who hates crowded spaces.

Maybe you are a roadtripper and somewhere ahead is the yearning to just trudge across the Earth with a camera. Stop the car. Landscape photography is for you.

Shooting the great outdoors may seem simple. After all, most of the subjects don't move about and you get to pick your time and location. But it's not quite that easy. You have to deliberately compose your landscape photos with all the tricks of the trade at your disposal. The one linked below is just one of the many.

Landscape photography can be almost like meditation when you are alone with your camera. Take these tips with you so that you don't miss the shot that could find a place within a frame. In our continuing series on popular Udemy classes, we focus on the best landscape photography courses that won't make you hide your wallet.

1. Landscape Photography Tips: Simple Solutions for Beginners

Discover: Basic tips on how to hold your camera correctly and get sharper shots.

Landscape Photography Tips

The first solution most photography beginners should go looking for is the answer to -- why aren't my photos sharp enough? There are many reasons that can be corrected. But the most basic one concerns the way you hold a camera.

Get to grips with the basics before you go and buy a tripod or lean towards a remote shutter release. And I mean that because the foundation of photography starts with the grip. This is followed by other tips on composition for landscape photography. The course is for absolute beginners. You can skip this course if you are already a few months into photography.

2. Perspective: Photography Tools That Make Your Pictures POP

Discover: The 5 types of perspective that can add depth to your photos.


How do you show that a photo has depth? Trick the eye with the concept of perspective. The ability to manipulate relative sizes and angles has evolved from art. It's a basic photography rule to use perspective for an illusion of depth and movement. For instance, a photo of railway lines converging in the distance is a common example of perspective.

These nine lectures will take you through the different ways you can apply perspective to your shots. You might already know about Rule of Thirds and linear perspective but very little about curvilinear, planar, or atmosphere perspective. Adam Marelli is a well-known photographer and instructor who conducts photography workshops around the world.

3. The Art of Finding Light: Photography for the Artist in You

Discover: 3 powerful lighting schemes that do not require any fancy equipment.

The Art of Finding Light

Adam Marelli continues his wonderful instructions with this focused course on the most important element for great photographs -- light. As a beginner photographer on a tight budget, you do not have to hold back without the fancy equipment. Speedlights, strobes, and reflectors can be costly and cumbersome to carry around. For landscape photography, you need to move around and use natural light. So, let's learn how to find light.

Adam Marelli draws a lot of the lessons from Renaissance art and the techniques used by artists like Michelangelo, Monet and Caravaggio. The short 1.5 hour course will help you understand that every ray of light has its own quality and its awareness can help you frame your shots better.

4. How to be a Professional Outdoor and Nature Photographer

Discover: How to make money from your photographs.

Professional Outdoor and Nature Photographer

Prepare to get serious. Photography may be a passion, but you can turn this hobby into a business. Be prepared to rough it out because it is a test of patience and skill. But if you are here, then it means that you love the outdoors and photography. Now, all you need to do is fill the gaps in education with this 14-hour course that introduces you to professional photography. Thanks to demand for stock photography, there is a ready market.

The lectures will help you clear the cobwebs in your mind. The "10 Commandments of Professional Photography" is the code that should help you design your photography business. It's not only about the business angles as many of the lessons are also devoted to the kind of compositions that sell in the marketplace. You are in good hands as Charlie Borland comes with immense experience as a professional photographer, teacher, and author.

5. Photography Masterclass: Your Complete Guide to Photography

Discover: The ins and outs of photography, even if you have little to no experience.

Photography Masterclass

Everyone should learn a bit of photography. If you are looking for one complete class on photography, then I will insist that you take this one. This is the most popular photography class on Udemy and its sweeping coverage is the reason. Dive into this without ever having held a camera and you will come out more confident at the end of the 15th hour.

There is also no need to hanker after expensive gear as a good smartphone camera can also teach you a lot about the ability to "see" your shots before you take them. The lectures include lots of practice exercises. The lessons are also short and don't keep you tied down with theory. Understand the concepts broadly and go out to shoot your first thousand photos. They might be bad, but there's no better way to master the art.

And if you want to short-circuit your learning, take the free course below. This will force you to work a lot more on your photos by ditching all the fancy automatic settings cameras of today are loaded with.

Bonus: Photography: Ditch Auto -- Start Shooting in Manual

Do You Love to Travel?

If you do, then you can combine both loves and do something wonderful with it. There's a multi-billion-dollar travel industry that could need your landscape photographs. A simple understanding of the basics and a practiced eye for the beautiful landscapes in the center of the frame is all it takes.

Then, you can always come back to the web and take another step forward with a photography course. Maybe, you will cherry pick from some of the best photography classes on Udemy.

Try any one of these five courses for a taste. Remember, every paid course on Udemy comes with:

  • Lifetime access.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Certificate of completion.

Come back and tell us if you have ever taken an online course to burnish your photography skills? Recommend it to us in the comments. Also, what do you like about landscape photography?