Emoji are everywhere these days. They're used on the Web, in emails, and in messages, and not just by youngsters either, but by anyone who wants a simple way of expressing themselves to others. But which, dear reader, out of all the emoji characters that exist, is your personal favorite? Welcome to this week's We Ask You, which is all about emoji.

Embracing Eminent Emoji

We want to know, What Is Your Favorite Emoji Character?

For those not down with the kids, let's start with the basics. Emoji are the successor to emoticons, those keyboard-based pictures we have all been using since the 1980s. Emoji are actual pictures rather than rough sketches created by pressing keys in the correct order. And they're both fun and annoying in equal measure.

There are now over 1,000 emoji characters to choose from, each of which can potentially be used to sum up a thought or feeling better than any number of words. And make no mistake about it, emoji are here to stay. Hell, the word "Emoji" has even been added to the dictionary.

So, now that we've established what we're talking about, it's time for you to tell us all about your favorite emoji character(s). Just let us know in the comments below which emoji character you use more than any other. Or which emoji character you enjoy receiving more than any other.

There are hundreds to choose from, but we're guessing you'll choose one of the notoriously popular emoji characters. These include the "Face with Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking Eye," the "Thumbs-Up Sign," the "Smiling Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes," the "Dragon," the "Ghost," and our ol' favorite, the "Pile of Poo". These are all fine choices, but you should also feel free to choose one of the less obvious emoji characters.

Let us know which emoji character is your favorite and why. Does it sum you up better than any number of words could ever do? Does it match your emotion more often than not? Does it give you a warm, tingly feeling when you receive it in a message from a friend? You can tell us… we promise not to point and laugh.

We Need You!

All comments will be read and most will be replied to. Depending on the level of interest, the responses may be turned into a full article. Those readers providing the best comments will be thanked by name, receiving our extreme and everlasting gratitude for their efforts.

We Ask You is a column dedicated to crowdsourcing the wisdom of MakeUseOf readers. This column is nothing without you, as MakeUseOf is nothing without you.