Facebook is making its Timehop-style feature, On This Day, bigger and better. This means that Facebook will show you more memories than ever, filter out bad memories likely to upset or annoy, and show you friendship milestones. All of which will be great for fans of nostalgia.

On This Day is a nice feature that adds a touch of nostalgia to Facebook. On This Day basically reminds you what you were doing one, two, or even 10 years ago, based on what you posted on Facebook. And now Facebook is expanding its reach, and improving how the feature works.

Memories, Milestones, and Moments

First, Facebook wants to show you even more memories. So, now, it won't just be individual memories from specific days, but rather whole collections of memories from particular months of seasons. The two examples Facebook cites are "Your January Memories" and "A Look Back At Your Summer". Both of which offer photos and updates posted within that timeframe.

Secondly, Facebook wants to celebrate your friendship milestones. This involves you getting a pat on the back when you make a notable number of friends or have your posts liked a certain number of times. At the moment these will only be visible to you, but they will become shareable in the future. Which means Facebook is about to get gamified.

Finally, Facebook wants to help you filter out bad memories. On This Day already boasts some controls and preferences to ensure you're happy with the memories being surfaced. However, Facebook claims it has developed new ways to filter out memories that may spark negative feelings. Which include failed relationships or people who have passed away.

Helping Ramp Your Nostalgia Up to 11

I must admit I enjoy having Facebook remind me of what I was doing on this day years ago. Memories good and bad can come flooding back. And these changes, which add more memories while helping you filter out those likely to upset you, should ramp the nostalgia up to 11.

Do you like the On This Day feature? How often do you share old memories with friends? Have you ever been shown a bad memory? How did it make you feel? Are you pleased that Facebook is expanding the On This Day feature? Please let us know in the comments below!