Emailing is a relatively secure mode of transferring information. But you cannot be fully sure that the recipient will be the only person reading the email. To protect your message from such interceptions, you can employ text encryption and decryption tool Encrypt Easy.

text encryption and decryption

Encrypt Easy is a very simple text encryption tool that does a remarkable job of protecting your textual message. The tool has a user friendly interface and requires no payments to be used. You will find password field on top of the page. Here you enter a password which will act as a key for encryption / decryption. Next you enter the to-be-encrypted text in the big box below. After typing your message, simply click on the "˜Encrypt' button. The text box will now show the encrypted text. Copy this entire text and mail it to the recipient. Send him the password / key through some other means (e.g. text message on cellphone). He can then use the same procedure to decrypt the "˜code' and read the original text.

text encryption and decryption


Check out Encrypt Easy @ [No Longer Available]