The Internet is filled with drawing applications. But if you are looking for a tool that lets you create diagrams, flowcharts, and similar drawings in XML format, then you will probably not find much. Thankfully DiagramLy will be there to help.

create xml diagrams online

DiagramLy is a free online drawing application with numerous features. In addition to letting you create flow chart -like drawings that look great, the web app lets you get the drawings in XML format. These XML drawings can later be loaded into the application for further modifications. In addition to XML, you can export your drawing to the PNG, JPG, and SVG image formats. Of course along with the ability to export to multiple file formats, you also get a multitude of drawing tools such as various shapes, the ability to drag objects, arrows that connect objects, text tools, etc.

Together all the above mentioned features form an excellent online drawing application.


  • A user-friendly online drawing application.
  • Does not require any registration.
  • Lets you export drawings to XML, PNG, JPG, and SVG formats.
  • XML drawings can be later loaded for further modifications.
  • Many drawings tools are provided including numerous shapes and text tools.
  • Also read related article: 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics.

Check out DiagramLy @