Dieting is hard. No one likes having to eat less than they want, but if you want to lose weight, it is the only way. The hardest part is controlling those midday stacks. When the mood to have a little snack strikes, you might want to check out Deappetizer to make you feel a little less hungry. Basically, it shows you food related images that are pretty gross. There are three levels of images, with each one getting grosser. The idea is to curb your appetite by making you feel a little disgusted by food.

control food cravings

There is a great variety of images ranging from pig heads on a stick to nuts and strawberries that looks like roaches. Nothing is so gross as to make you feel like vomiting, but they could certainly help curb your wish to eat. If all the three images don't work, and you still feel hungry, they offer some helpful tips to curb your appetite. Hopefully, these combined will help you curb those cravings and lose some weight.


  • Shows you three images related to food that will can make you less hungry.
  • Image grossness ramps up as the three progress.
  • Image content varies, but it is all gross.
  • Helpful tips to curb cravings if the images do not work.