With Creaza, you can do a lot - the site can help you write a thesis, help your children with their school science project, and help you create family videos. The website is a free to use web service merging many functions into a single dashboard.

free video audio editor

You start by signing up for an account on the site. Once logged in you can choose to use one of four available tools: Mindomo, Cartoonist, MovieEditor, and AudioEditor.

Minodomo is a mind-map creator which can help sort out ideas and better plan any project or paper you are about to write. The mind-map created by Mindomo is flexible and offers its users a number of convenient organization tasks.

Cartoonist lets you create cartoon clips from available scenarios and characters; the wide range of characters, scenes, cartoon effects, along with the ability to add your own media files makes creating cartoon a lot of fun.

The last two tools are movie and audio editors which let you upload your media files and edit them. Editing options are quite comprehensive which will suit any computer user.

online video audio editor


Check out Creaza @ www.creaza.com