Cramberry is an online flashcard generator site where you can quickly and easily create sets of flashcards for learning words, memorizing stuff, studying exams and much more. Creating cards on Cramberry takes seconds and you can create as many cards as you want.

create flashcards online

To create a flashcard, simply enter front and back text into provided fields, the question being as front and the correct answer as back text.  Once cards are finished you can run a quiz and test your self, one of the cool things is that cards that you fail to answer correctly will be shown more frequently, thus, you get more practice on that particular card.

online flashcard generator


  • Create flashcards online.
  • Create as many cards as you want.
  • Share your cards with other Cramberry users.
  • User friendly and clutter free interface.
  • Similar websites: FlashCardDB and Popling.

Check out Cramberry @