If you happen to be living in China, you will know that there is a strict law restricting access to many websites in China. If you are looking for a simple way to find out if any website is blocked in China, give Blocked In China a try.

test if any website is blocked in china

Blocked in China is a great website that allows users to find out if any website is blocked in China, or whether the error you are receiving is due to some ISP problem.

Just visit the website’s main page, enter the URL of the website you wish to test in the field provided and click on the Test button. The service will find out if the website you are trying to access is blocked or not.


  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Test if the specific website is blocked in China or not.
  • Similar tools: BlockedInIran and Whatblocked.

Check out Blocked in China @ www.blockedinchina.net