If you are a geek who tends to see everything in code, then this fun website is for you. ASCIImeo is an online mashup that displays all Vimeo videos in Ascii form. The website basically takes a video uploaded from Vimeo and converts the pixels to text format. Thus, instead of the high-resolution images that Vimeo is known for, what you will see are characters in different colors that form the images in the video.

view ascii code
view ascii code

Run a query in its the search box to watch any video in Ascii. There is no need to log in to your Vimeo account to use the web site. This website is a cool combo of modern and lo-tech that gives you a kick when you watch videos.


  • A video player that turns Vimeo videos into ASCII codes.
  • Watch in full-screen mode.
  • Video option include pause and mute.
  • Free; no sign-up required.
  • Similar tools: Binary Translator and Binary.

Check out ASCIImeo @ www.asciimeo.com