YouTube makes it easy for you to pinpoint specific times or moments in a video. Let's see how you can take advantage of this.

Here are the ways to create a YouTube time link.

1. While sharing a video: When you click on the Share link below a YouTube video, look for the Start at: option under the Share tab. Check the box next to that option and specify a start time for the video in the hh:mm:ss format or the mm:ss format. The current time in the video appears in the Start at: field by default.


2. While copying the video URL: Pause the video at the time you want to specify as the starting time and click on Copy video URL at current time from the context menu. You can then share the link in emails, messages, on social media, etc.

This works in HTML5 players, but on some browsers, you might not see the context menu option mentioned above until you enable Flash and reload the page.

3. While leaving a comment: Mention a starting time in a YouTube comment and it automatically turns into a link that people can click on and start viewing the video from that specific point of time.

Do you have any tips to share about tweaking start times for videos? Which tricks do you use to get more out of YouTube?

Image Credit: rvlsoft /