If you're the type of athlete who spends a lot of time in the water, you are probably aware of how your electronics can quickly get damaged.

While Fitbit devices are water-resistant, they aren't entirely waterproof. That means they're still prone to water damage, especially if exposed to other types of corrosive liquid, soaps and shampoos, and impacts. In addition, water also makes it possible to accidentally activate the display, which could affect your fitness data or device settings.

Thankfully, Fitbit has introduced a feature made just for this: Water Lock.

What Is the Fitbit Water Lock Feature?

In Water Lock mode, Fitbit prevents accidental button presses on its display while keeping some features, such as tracking, alarms, and notifications, turned on. This can help you make the most of your fitness tracker in all conditions.

Unfortunately, not all Fitbit models have water locking features, so if you do water sports frequently, this may be a primary consideration when comparing Fitbit models to find the best one for you. Here's a quick list of Fitbit devices that have the water locking feature:

  • Fitbit Luxe
  • Fitbit Ace 3
  • Fitbit Charge 5
  • Fitbit Inspire 2
  • Fitbit Versa 3
  • Fitbit Sense

Some models, such as the Versa 3 and Sense, can only turn on Fitbit's Water Lock feature automatically after starting a swim. However, for the other models such as the Luxe, Ace 3, Charge 5, and Inspire 2, it is possible to enable this feature manually.

How to Activate Water Lock on Your Fitbit Manually

After confirming that your Fitbit model can use the Water Lock feature, here's how to turn it on manually:

  1. On your Fitbit, tap the device to turn it on.
  2. On the main screen, swipe up until you see the Water Lock icon.
  3. Tap the Water Lock icon.
  4. Firmly double-tap the screen and wait for the locking icon to appear and confirm that it's active.

To deactivate Water Lock on your Fitbit, wake your device with a single tap. Then, firmly double-tap the screen to turn off Water Lock. After the unlocking animation, your Fitbit will switch off its water locking features.

If you struggle to turn off this feature, you can try to tap the screen harder or use a clean towel to wipe off any excess water on its display before tapping.

Keep Your Fitbit Working Well in the Water

With so many water sports enthusiasts using Fitbit devices, Water Lock is a helpful feature that can keep Fitbit trackers and watches working better for longer. Aside from this, setting your Fitbit on Water Lock during a wet workout can help make sure that your workout data stays accurate, even when you're in the water.